Glen Beck In my home town.

Tonight I went to see Glen Beck Speak for the first time. He had some great things to say.  I haven’t been a listener or fan, so it was interesting to see what everyone in my area was raving about.  He had a bunch of historical memorabilia displayed on tables including an original Darth Vader helmet from the first Star Wars movie in 1978, and a 3.2 million dollar baseball card.  There was just one guy watching the stuff, but everything was so chill, no (visible) security guards, etc.  Of course there were no signs saying the values of the pieces, and I only found out during his presentation about the value of the card, but it shows how trusted we were that he would bring it out to show us.
I got a pic of me behind the Vader mask.  It was a lot bigger than I thought. Why was the mask displayed? Because evil never looks like this in real life.
The take away message I got from the whole talk, was we as a nation need to focus back on principles, not stuff and safety. Stand up for and teach our children what our country was founded on, we need to work our muscles of standing for goodness, and not let them atrophy into complacency and keep our heads down.  Reminds me of a quote I once heard. ‘The only thing it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing’.  (The picture on the table in front of the mask is one of the flyers our military dropped prior to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki telling people to evacuate the target cities. "What made America great is that America was good!")
